Sunday 18 November 2012

#65 Inspired by album covers

A quirky prompt from Pam this week that got me thinking back an awful lot of years to when I was a teenager.

Music was the driving force of those days. It was what you talked about. What you pored over in the music magazines (NME or Smash Hits in the UK). It was the topic everyone discussed on the bus to school the morning after Top of the Tops (Thursday evenings - always!). I can remember the feeling, the passion, the excitement of that time when your favourite band or singer brought out a new single or 12" album and you had to wait to get it for your birthday because they were expensive and there was no downloading the songs just because! Sometimes you only heard it once or twice as you had to wait for the radio to pick it up and start promoting it. But you knew it was going to number 1. You just knew. It had to. And you had to have it. Even if it cost you all your weekly allowance.

Those were the days.

So this was the time when music was so much more to me that just music. Right from when I was really really young, music was important to me. And none more so than David Bowie. And a musical turning point was the release of Ashes to Ashes followed by the album Scary Monsters.

So that was my starting point.

I remember the thrill of this album cover when it first came out. It was the very first album I thought of when I read Pam's prompt and I loved the strong design. For a scrapbook page, it was challenging but I wanted to tie in the design with the memory.

I really liked this a lot more before I covered the centre with journalling, but this was a double challenge for me and I wanted to get down some of the feelings I had at the time this album came out. So I filled it with writing and lost the somewhat cleaner lines of the original design. Something new for me. And one I might try again sometime with a different approach to the journalling!

An interesting prompt Pam and one I hope to come back to!

Thanks for taking me back in time :-)

(oh and I've just realised that the "l" in always is actually a "j" so I'll be changing that out asap!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it Lisa! Seriously the journalling just makes it, in my opinion. Love this site. I so have to start playing along!


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