I had a busy, food-filled weekend with my mum in town and we were out and about more in three days than I am usually all month. But that got me thinking about our prompt this week.
Where I live, there is huge excitement at this time of year as the asparagus season kicks off. It's little more than 6 weeks during a normal year and ends just as abruptly as it starts - one of the few truly real food seasons around in our global economy where here in the cold temperate north, we can get our hands on strawberries and the like all year round.
But asparagus season is something very special. We wait around for it. We talk about it. We compare prices and taste across farms. We recommend the best restaurants to go. We buy kilos and kilos of it and then eat it with passion.
And on Saturday, I had my first of the season. Followed by another plate full on Sunday. And that will no doubt be filled with many more plate-fulls before it's all over for another year on 24th June. I'm in heaven!
So, in the spirit of welcoming the white asparagus back to our tables for a few fleeting weeks, I'd like you to be inspired by seasonal food. Or food of the season maybe.
Asparagus is ticked off my list with this layout from a few years ago:
As are strawberries (although, who's to say I've said all there is to say about these wonderful delicacies?)
I hope you can find some inspiration in seasonal food this week. Don't forget to share over at Flickr with the tag WM#88. Go on, make me hungry!