Monday, 6 January 2020

Challenge #341 - week of 6th January 2020

Image from

Happy New Year to you all and welcome to Whimsical Musings in 2020. 

Did anyone notice I was missing these last weeks? 
I'm guessing not at this busy time of year ;-)

Anyway, back here this Monday with a new prompt for you. I have another prompt that I actually started writing back in November but seems to have got lost in the hectic of the season, so I'll hold onto that for next week. 

But I like to mark the beginning of a new year with a prompt that doesn't directly refer to resolutions themselves but looks at the topic of a new year from a slightly different perspective. I had a look around on Pinterest which I still love so much and from time to time, forget to go there for inspiration. This time though, I came across such beautiful motivational quotes that I thought would be good for today that I went down a rabbit hole and came up with this beautiful image below.

Source here

This week, be inspired by intentions.

How could you take this prompt for your page?

  • intentions for this new year or any period in the future
  • intentions you had in the past and how successful they were
  • are there any scrapbook products with the title of "intention"? I'm not sure but I know there was a Photo Play Paper collection called "No Pun Intended" so there could be!
  • talk about the why behind intentions for the future, giving the back story rather than just the plan
  • compare and contrast how your intentions have changed over the years
  • do you have a story where you had the best intentions but it didn't quite work out as planned?
  • perhaps you intended to say something but something totally different came out instead?!?
  • make a list, a plan, a record of goals, targets or objectives

Just for interest, here are our previous new year prompts incase you'd like to go back and try a different perspective:

Whichever way you decide to go, I really hope you'll share. It would be great to see what you make.  You can connect with us in our Facebook group here. Tag your entry with #WMXXX (with the number of the prompt instead of the XXX) so we know exactly which inspiration you've taken.

Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Found this: something you mean to do, whether you pull it off or not. Love this! Likely will do a page of my OLW.
    So happy to see you hear again <3


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