Since my husband retired at the end of May, we have been working on this little cabin in the woods.
We are calling it "R+R" for Rest & Retreat.
No plumbing, no electricity - a place to unplug (quite literally!)
All of the searching for the land, the decisions made about the cabin itself,
took him through the final year of work before retiring.
It made it a little easier to get up each morning & face the commute.
He had to decide if he would get the same pleasure out of building it himself vs. buying one.
Was the satisfaction in the creating it or using it or both?
It took some soul-searching to answer some of these questions.
What dreams have you made come true?
Is there something you have only dreamt about but not acted on as yet?
Do you have a dream that you enjoy but have no real intention to make it happen?
Is your dream a "work in progress" like ours?
Be inspired by a dream that you expect to or have perhaps already realized.
Post your project on the WM Flickr board tagged WM#176